Disco elysium

· t14n's blog

Few of us can begin to imagine the horror of you -- with all of creation reflected in your forebrain. It must be like the highest of hells, a kaleidoscope of fire and writhing glass. Eternal damnation.

Even when you're sleeping...And when you wake, you carry it around your neck. With eyes open that cannot help but swallow more behind the mirror. I feel great, mute empathy for you.

That must be incredibly hard. The arthopods are in silent and meaningless awe of you. Know that we are watching -- when you're tired, when the vision spins out of control. The insects will be looking on. Rooting for you.

And when you fall we will come to raise you up, bud from you, banner-like, blossom from you and carry you apart in a sky funeral. In honour of your passing.

from the writers behind Disco Elysium: Robert Kurvitz, Helen Hindpere, Argo Tuulik, Cash De Cuir, Olga Moskvina, Siim Sinamae